It’s that time of year again – daylight savings! Now that we all are feeling great after that extra hour of sleep we received, Austin Fire Department is asking greater Austin residents to use this extra energy to double check their smoke alarms for dead batteries and other malfunctions. Afterall, 3 of every 5 deaths caused by house fires are in homes with no smoke alarm.
AFD Fire Chief Rhoda Mae Kerr addressed the media about the issue. “It only takes a few minutes to check and change the batteries, but it could save your life. And remember: all smoke alarms should be replaced after 10 years. If you don’t know how to determine the manufacturer date for your smoke alarms, we can help with that” Chief Kerr said.
Austin Fire Department is even offering to provide and install the alarms in your home for free! If you or anyone you know needs new alarms you can call the smoke alarm hotline via 512.974.0299.
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